Sunday, November 4, 2007

A visit to our future place of ministry, Velingrad

Teammates clowing around.
Velingrad in the valley
The girls in front of a lovely Bulgarian home.
Donna, Michelle and I in front of a horse and cow field
A view of the city.
On the hillside.

Our team managed to get bus tickets there, reserve two hotel rooms, eat and explore the town, and get back to Sofia all on our own -- no translators invited. We felt quite accomplished and happy to get out of the city for a little exploring. We simply reacquainted ourselves with the town and learned the system for getting there and back. We had a very good time and enjoyed the beauty of the fall. If you would like to check out more pictures of our excursion checkout our teammates site at

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I'm so proud of you guys! Congratulations on a successful outing on your own! :-)